

Friday, November 16, 2012

Daging Panggang Merah (Chinese Roasted Pork/Char Siu)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • ½ kg Daging punuk/perut babi *, 5 cm Jahe-parut
  • 1 st Angkak bubuk/Fermented bean curd, 3 sm Gula
  • ½ sm Minyak wijen, 1 sm Madu+1 sm Air-campur
  • 4 Bawang putih-haluskan, 15 gr Bawang merah-cacah
  • 1 sm Ang ciu, 1 st Bumbu ngohiong, 2 sm Kecap asin
  • ½ st Lada bubuk, ½ sm Saus hoisin, ½ sm Saus tiram


Cara membuat

  • Potong2 daging memanjang setebal ± 4 cm, sisihkan. Lumuri daging secara merata dengan gula dulu, lalu dengan angciu & angkak. Masukkan daging ke dalam plastik pembungkus & dinginkan 3 jam di kulkas. Campur semua bahan (kecuali madu & air). Tuang ¾ dari campuran bahan tersebut ke dalam plastik daging. Simpan di kulkas selama minimal 6 jam agar bumbu meresap (semalaman lebih baik).
  • Panaskan oven 180° C. Gantung daging secara vertikal di tengah oven. Bila tak memiliki alat penggantung, letakkan daging di atas rak panggang. Letakkan loyang panggang berisi 1 gelas air di bawah daging/rak panggang tersebut utk menampung air yang menetes saat memanggang. Panggang selama 15 menit, keluarkan & olesi dengan sisa campuran bahan2 (balik posisi bila daging tidak digantung). Panggang selama 10 menit. Keluarkan & oles daging dengan campuran madu. Besarkan suhu ke 200° C, panggang 5 menit. Matikan oven & biarkan daging di dalamnya 10 menit. Potong2 agak tipis, sajikan bersama saus yg berasal dari cairan sisa pemanggangan di loyang.
  • * Dapat diganti dengan daging bebek/ayam/turkey yang berlemak



  • ½ kg Pork neck/-belly *, 1 tsp Chinese 5-spice
  • 1 tsp ground Red yeast rice/Fermented bean curd
  • 2 tbsp Salty soy sauce, 1 tbsp Chinese rice wine
  • 1 tbsp Honey+1 tbsp Water-mix, 3 tbsp Sugar
  • 15 gr Shallots-minced, 4 Garlic cloves-grind
  • ½ tbsp Oyster sauce, ½ tbsp Sesame oil
  • ½ tsp ground Pepper, 5 cm Ginger-grind
  • ½ tbsp Hoisin sauce



  • Slice the pork length ways, ~ 4 cm thick; set aside. Rub pork all over with sugar first; then with the rice wine & red yeast. Put pork in a plastic wrap & refrigerate it for 3 hours. Mix all of the remaining ingredients well (with the exception of honey+water). Pour ¾ part of this mixture into the pork on the plastic wrap; refrigerate for minimum 6 hours (overnight would be better).
  • Preheat oven to 180° C. Hang the pork in meat hooks & then hang it in the middle of the oven. If you don`t have a hook, lay the pork in a roasting rack. Put a roasting dish filled with 1 glass of water underneath the pork/roasting rack to accommodate the drippings. Roast pork for 15 minutes. Take the pork out & brush it with the ingredients mixture (flip the pork over if you`re not hanging it vertically).  Place it back in the oven & roast for 10 minutes. Take it out again & brush pork with honey mixture. Turn the oven temperature to 200° C; roast for another 5 minutes. Turn off the oven & let it sit inside for another 10 minutes. Slice pork thinly. Serve pork with the drippings from roasting procedure.
  • * You could also make this from fatty duck/chicken/turkey meat.

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